שמות Shemot
23:13 (Exodus) And in
all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from
your mouth.
Verse 24--26, Do not bow down to their mighty ones, nor serve them, nor do according
to their works, but without fail overthrow them, and without fail break down their pillars. And you shall serve יהוה
your Elohim, and He shall bless
your bread and your water. And I shall remove sickness from your midst. None shall miscarry or be barren in your land.
I shall fill the number of your days.
2 Melakim 23:5 (2 Kings), And he put down the black-robed priests....and those who burned
incense to Baal, to the sun god and the moon god, and to the constellations, and to all the host of the heavens.
Yirmeyahu 24:6 Jeremiah, And do not go after other mighty ones to serve them and to bow down to
Yirmeyahu 23:26-27 Jeremiah, Till when shall it be in the heart of the prophets? -- the prophets of falsehood
and prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people forget My Name by their dreams which everyone
relates to their neighbor, as their fathers forgot My Name for Baal. (Lord)
Commandment 3 Do
not bring the Name of יהוה thy Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave
him unpunished who brings His Name to Naught.
The Name
YHVH - השמ יהוה appears 6823
times in the Pre Messianic Scriptures, and 6823 times it has been brought to naught by substituting His Name for Baal
just as the Scripture above warns against. Even within the warning Scripture above, the translators substituted His Name
for LORD which translates into Hebrew BAAL, and does worse than bring His Name to naught, it desecrates His Name for the sun
god Baal, better known as the father of lies. It is important to note that our Creator gave explicit instructions in the Ten
Commandments, not to worship false elohim, nor graven images, nor any idol. One of the first precepts in interpersonal relationship is to know your Friend by Name,
then to address Him by his Name. The worst a friend could do is call his friend an obscenity. Baal = Lord, is an obscenity
to יהוה.
The Feasts Messiah Kept.
And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call
His Name Yahshua - יהושע for He shall save His People from their sins.
Our Mashiach (Messiah) was born in Yosef's
Sukkah on Tishri 15, in the sheep folds of Beit Lechem (House of Bread) on a hill close enough to see the Temple Mount,
during the Feast of Sukkot - חג
הסוכות requiring attendance by all who live in the land.
He was Born on the first day of the feast, circumcised
on the Eighth Day - the Last Great Day Shemini Atzeret - שמיני עצרת,
a shadow picture of lifting the veil of our flesh
on the last day, the last Great and Eternal day. All of the Feasts of YHVH are shadow
pictures of Prophecy that will be completed. Our Inspired Scriptures are complete, and are the yardstick by which we are
to measure every man. Translations
are less inspired, they are the works of men, mostly religious interpretations of their desirous beliefs.
Yahoshua means יהוה Is my Salvation completed. There is no Name in any language but Hebrew that has the same meaning. Messiah's
Name has a progressive meaning and His Name proclaims what He will do for us, become our Salvation. More on that later.
We must remember that our Messiah was of the lineage of David from the Tribe of Yahudah - Judah
from which we get the term Jew, and all of the Apostles were of the Twelve Tribes of Yisra'el, one from every tribe of Ya'akov-Jacob
who was renamed Yisra'el, and during
the time of these events they spoke Hebrew, not Greek.
first Century historian Josephus verified this, even that the Scriptures were written mostly in Hebrew originally, both
Messianic and Pre-Messianic Scriptures.
Messiah and His Apostles spoke Hebrew,
not Greek. Much of the important messages we have in translated Scriptures have no equal thought or value in Greek. Some
say that they spoke Aramaic, a sister language of the Hebrew and that may be true in part, since we have very early
Century manuscripts written in Aramaic. I will contend that the Apostles of יהושע spoke Hebrew, and Hebrew has primarily been the language in which most Scripture were written and maintained.
ARAMAIC : A North Semitic language similar to Phoenician and Hebrew, was the language of the Arameans whose presence
in northwestern Mesopotamia is known from about 2000 B.C. Holman Bible Dictionary. Before
700 B.C. Aramaic began to supplant Akkadian as the language of commerce and diplomacy, (2 Kings 18:26.)
The names of foreign elohim, better said, inventions of Men.
The word Jesus is a hybrid invented name that is not even Greek. Since there is no "J" sound in either Hebrew or
Greek, and since Proper names are always transliterated, not translated, we lose the original Name, and the original meaning.
Jesus has absolutely no meaning in Hebrew. Since there is no 'J' in
Hebrew, the 'Je' means
nothing. Jesus comes from the Greek Iesus that we find in the 1611 original KJV. Iesous - iησους is pronounced
Hey-Zeus. The 'sous' sounds out like zeus
in the Greek. Hey-zeus comes close to Ha-soos in the Hebrew but means The Horse.
The Greek alphabet have numerical values. The 3 Greek letters used in Rev. 13:18 in referring to this 'mark',
X (=Chi) 600; Xi (shaped like a curled capital E) 60 s
(Sigma) 6 These total the 666, or the Number of his name. Revelation speaks clearly of the Mark of the Beast,
the Name of the Beast or the Number of his name. The MARK thus XES (approx.).
In the original Greek it is written as The 1st and 3rd letters, it is said, represent the first and last letters of the title "Christos" and the middle
letter represents the symbol of the serpent and is intimately connected with the ancient Egyptian Mysteries. (Source:
"Number in Scripture" - Dr E W Bullinger pg 49). The "J" was
invented around 1530 and not inserted into the name until 1632. That means when the original KJV-1611 was written,
the name Jesus was not in it. Check this out for yourself. A copy of the original 1611 KJV can be purchased inexpensively
from Amazon.com.
According to Nehemia Gorden,
who holds a degree in Archaeology and Biblical Studies from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and has worked for several
years on the Dead Sea Scroll Publications Project, the official publication of The Dead Sea Scrolls, the word for our Messiah
in translated Pre Messianic Scripture is YeShu. That Rabbinical acronym Ye.Sh.u is short
for, >> Yimach Shemo Vezichro
>> <<ימח שםו וזכרו << and
means "May His Name and memory be blotted out." 'The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus' by
Nehemia Gorden
This was great for the Greeks who worship Zeus. They were able to transliterate Ye.Sh.u into Iesus, see the original 1611 KJV. The pronunciation of the middle
'S' is as 'Z' for Hey-zeus; Then the 'J' replaced the 'Ye' to complete the invention
The invented name Jesus is a hybrid combination
of the Greek, Latin, Catholic, Pagan languages, all in an effort to keep the pagan ineffable name doctrine,
and take away the personal Name and relationship we can have with our Messiah beginning with 'His Name.' The same they did with HaShem YHVH.
We know what we mean when we address our Creator and call out to Him
in a name or title we think is His Name. He knows what we mean also. The problem is that we call out in a Pagan invention
of false elohim when we use false names, and lose the meaning and fellowship we can have if we were to address Him
properly. Worse than that, It is not expedient for our יהוה to answer prayer
and do Miraculas wonders in the name of heathen gods, and inventions of men, which would further alianate us from His precious,
Speakable Name, and feared by the heathen throughout Scripture, which is one of the reasons the pagans attempted to hide and
further destroy His Name. Calling upon the only Name under heaven by which man must be saved, won many battles in thePre Messianic
Scriptures. The Heathen know quite well this Hebrew precept and by taking away the Key of Wisdom, defeated the Hebrews in
many wars. Eventually causing the Ephraimites, Stick of Yosef, to be scattered among the gentiles for 2730 years.The
Melo HaGoyim, Completeness of the Gentiles, Ephraim son of Yosef, scattered Ten Tribes of Israel, began the second Exodus
when the 2730 years were finished in 1997. The Stick of Yosef will one day reunite with the Stick of Yahudah and be once againone
stick in the Masters hand. More on this later.
It is imperative to note that the Time of the Gentiles
has passed. Ephraim has survived his 2730 years exile, and we are now in the Time
of Jacob's Trouble.
The hand of יהוה has been lifted from the gentiles, and the Stick of Joseph/Ephriam are now being
called out of religion back to their Hebrew Roots.
Understand the Covenant
people Israel, and your roots from Avraham, Yitshaq-Isaac, and Ya'akov-Jacob. Come
out from the slumber of religion and discover your Heritage.
Our Hebrew Messiah had a Name of the same language
of His people. The Greek was not a language the Yahudim - Jews learned unless they could afford to attend the expensive
schools in those days. This is contrary to what we are taught in the Greek thinking churches. The Yahudim were also commanded
not to learn the ways of the heathen, which included the names of their gods, not to do it and say that they were doing it
to יהוה,
It has always been an abomination. We were given Feasts at Exodus that are the
way we are to worship our Creator. The heathen practices were to be eliminated and never learned again, a command that the
Yisraelites did not keep as they came under the influence of religious teachers then, and as we have now. We are to follow
the original Feast Celebrations, that we not fall into pagan practices, however Ephraim had a flair for paganism, was pruned
from the Green Olive Tree, scattered
into the nations, and today follow those same pagan practices within 'The Christian Church,' Rom11.
There are three proper Names for our Messiah in
Isaiah 43:11, I AM יהוה and beside Me there is no Savior. This verse not only tells us what the Pre-Messianic Prophets called their Creator, but also the meaning of the Name.
Beside Me there is no Savior tells us of His ONEness, and His Name forever, as in Exodus 3:15, He gave His Name
Our Greek Translators, translated His Name instead of transliterating
His Name, and came up with a Pagan Greek name for Hebrew Inspired Elohim, Acts 26:14. Nowhere in literature
of any importance do we find Proper names translated except in our Bibles. My name is Joseph in English, in Hebrew it
becomes Yosef, in Arabic it is Yousef. My name here is the transliteration into English from those languages, and
my name can be heard in all of them and anywhere I go in this world, my name will be legible in any language as they
pronounce my name as close as can be from their Alpha Bet. Joseph does mean 'He Will Add,' but, He Will Add is not
my name.
Y'shua - ישוע Emphasis on Shua, means Salvation. Restored from the acronym Ye.Sh.u.
Messianic Jews and Gentiles call on The
Name Yashua יהושע emphasis YAH, the short poetic form
of His Name, as in Hallelu YAH - הללויה, Praise to YAH.
Yashua means יהוה
is Salvation. Messiah said, I have come in My Fathers Name. Yashua
- יהושע is
the Birth Name of Messiah Yahoshua. Yah-hoshua - יהושע means יהוה is my salvation completed.
Y'shua -- ישוע,
Salvation. Yahsua -- יהושע, YHVH
is my Salvation. Yahoshua -- יהושע, YHVH is my Salvation Completed.
This progression of Messiah's Name is Compared
to The Name YHVH in the following. When Moshe-
משה - Moses asked יהוה by what Name he should be called, His first reply was The Meaning of His Name.
There are here at least Three meanings here.
1.) I
AM THAT I AM, I AM THE EVER EXISTING ONE. There are none above Me nor beside Me,
None before Me nor after Me. I Am The I AM.
I AM, certainly means forever existing.
I Will Be, He put on the flesh for us and became our Yashua - YHVH
Is my Salvation.
I Will Be for you what you need Me to be, And we needed Him to be Our atonement.
Yahoshua - YHVH Is my Salvation Completed.
Is there any name in any other language anywhere that contains the
plan of salvation so plainly? The Father in HaRuach, The Spirit, is the Son. The Son in the Flesh is The Father. I
and the Father are One, said He, John 10:30.
In order to be filled with something we must first be emptied. Once
our cup has been emptied, we then can be filled with Ruach HaKodesh (Spirit The Set
Apart), introducing Himself to you as YHVH, with His earthly ministry Yahshua,
becoming our Yahoshua - YHVH
is my Salvation completed. Much is said in this paragraph. I could write a volume on just this, but Wisdom comes from
above no differently than Shamon Kepha understanding Who Messiah is, but not by flesh and blood. Mt 16:17.
The pronunciation YHWH as in Yahweh, is
a recent dialect that began circa. 250 BCE, is an Arab Yemenite Jewish dialect, one of five Hebrew dialects. Yes there
are Arabic Jews, as well as Russian Jews, and English Jews. Yes, YHWH is correct, but in the Yemenite dialect. It
is not the original pronounciation of HaShem (The Name), יהוה
- Yah Vay.
Why is HaShem (The Name) YHVH - יהוה Substituted
in our Bibles, LORD? And worse, 'The Lord?'
Consider, His Name Is The Name above all
Names, which means there is no other name like His, and we are to hold His Name in High Esteem, higher than all other names. Is that why our illustrious
translators (transviolators) 6823 times in the Pre-Messianic Scriptures alone, changed His Name to LORD and The Lord?
Now just stop and think for a minute, The Name that is above all other Names begins with 'The' Something or other. Is
there any sense to that?
It gets worse!
When we do translate any word from one
language to another, that word will translate back to the original language identifiably. LORD does not translate
back to the Hebrew as YHVH. It translates back to Hebrew, BAAL. Baal is a sun god and is also
known as 'Lord of the Flies,' and 'father of lies,' 'The sun God.' Flies were one of the gods that the Egyptians worshipped
and was the reason for the Plague of dead flies in piles all over Egypt. The Egyptians had one of their gods heaped
in piles everywhere in rotting stench to show them, and us, that there is only one Elohim that rules in the heavens.
The Mitzrites were soon to see the power of the Elohim of the Hebrews. יהוה
Commanded us not to learn the names of
false elohim, and not to even let the names of their elohim in worship, fall from our tongue. When we look through
our New Age Bibles, we will find that the name Baal was left unaccosted all through Scripture, but the Name of our Precious
Creator was rendered Baal or The Baal 6823 times.
How Did they get
away with it? The Greeks did
not just conquer a nation for they knew that they would have to conquer it again and again as the people rebelled time
and again. To avoid rebellion they knew that they had to change the culture of that nation, the traditions and the language.
That is why we think in Greek today, and desecrate our Masters Name every time we speak Lord. We use perverted names
in abomination of the True Name by which
we are to Mention Him for all generations, because we have been Hellenized into Greek thinking and that is what
is taught in the Christian Churches today. The excuse given is 'What difference does it make?' or 'He is un-nameable,' and
care not that 6823 times in the Pre Messianic Scriptures alone, He put His Name in print and told us through Moses that YHVH Is His personal Name forever. He taught us the meaning of His Name through Moshe and placed it
in Scripture many times for us to see: Even gave us the prophecies that one day we would stop calling Him Baal but would
call 'Him Ishi, my Husband,' Hoshea
2 speaks of the time Ephraim will be lured back to יהוה and
the DOOR of Hope will be open for her return. Hoshea 2:16 speaks more specifically of our (Ephraimites) return, And it shall be at those days, says יהוה, that you shall call Me ISHI-my Husband: and shall no more call Me Baali-my
lord. For I shall take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth....Baalim is plural for the Hebrew singular, Baal. V:20, And I shall take you as a Bride unto Me in trustworthyness,
and you shall know YHVH.
When we read through the Prefaces of the various translations, they all admit
that His Name is the Hebrew Yod Hei Vav Hei -but like the Arabic Yeminite dialect YHWH. Then
comes the reprobate excuses why they desecrate His Name. Most say they lost the pronunciation, is it YHVH
or YHWH, or similiar ways to say It, but they do not know exactly, so they call Him Lord(Baal).
The worse
excuse of all says this, "The
original name does not have enough devotional quality for todays student." Go Figure!
Our Greek thinking Pastors teach abominable
practices handed down by men in Whited Sepulchers, and violate the Third Commandment "Do not
bring the Name of יהוה Thy Elohim to nothing." The
brilliant minds of our Greek transviolators have us reading 'the Baal' abomination even in our books that we call Of The
Inspired Word then use another abomination by calling Him god. God is a generic title for gods many, like Ra, Mithra,
Zeus, Buddah, Caesar, and all that proclaim themselves god after sa%#n's paganism, including many people in Hollywood, and
most new agers. (God is a Germanic Sun Diety)
Have you noticed that all the religions
have a name for their deities? The Egyptians worshipped Ra, the god that castrated himself, so when pagans decorate their
Christ-Mass tree they are hanging the castrated balls of Ra by tradition, on the their symbol of reincarnation. Islam has
a name for their god, Allah the Moon God. The Romans have a name for their god Mithra and is a carry over from the son of
Nimrod, Tammuz. This is how the tradition goes. Nimrod proclaimed himself deity, married his mother Semaramis, then after
he died, his wife and mother became pregnant and said that Nimrod the sun god who went back to the Sun, impregnated her from
a sun beam. The offspring was named Tammuz, the son of the sun god Nimrod reincarnate born on Dec 25, the day of the traditional
rebirth of the sun god, and all of the sun gods have since been born on that abominable pagan date. She became the Queen of heaven, mother of god. Semaramis, after she
died came back in a giant egg that landed in the Euphrates River. The fish rolled it onto the shore, the beginning of
egg rolling. The birds hatched the egg and out came Semaramis reincarnated calling herself Easter, 'The goddess of fertility
of the East.'
On Easter Sunday, the Priests of Easter, would impregnate the Virgins
of Easter, on the Alter of Easter, and their babies would then be born near Dec. 25, then sacrificed to their sun god Mithra.
Those born after Dec. 25, would at Easter the next year be sacrificed, and Rabbit eggs (chicken eggs) would be dyed red in
the blood of those babies. 'Mystery of Iniquity' by Michael Rood.
Tammuz was killed in a hunting accident at 40 years of age, he was
gored by a wild boar. The pagan followers were then found Weeping for Tammuz, Ezk 8:14. There would be a mourning for Tammuz fourty days, one day for every
year of his life ending on Easter Sunday; today the fourty days are called Lent. The Pagans then would year after
year, kill the pig that killed Tammuz and eat their Easter HAM on Easter Sunday; They would eat the pig that killed
their sun god.
The Romans in their worship of Mithra used the first letter Taw of
Tammuz their god, a name that carried over into the Roman culture; They used the T or what Christians call the cross,
from the Taw of Tammuz, their sun god symbol, to sacrifice Jews to Mithra. When they crucified our Messiah they also sacrificed
Him to their god Mithra. What we call the cross is nothing more than the Taw of Tammuz. Believe me, Yahoshua
did not make the symbol of Tammuz holy. It was already holy. Holy is the Pagan way of referring to their satanic
gods. Holy is pagan. Messiah said, Be Set Apart as I Am Set Apart. We
do not become holy when we follow after His Calling. He Sets us Apart. Apart from the world and its Paganism. To be holy is
something that must be attained and usually is sought after, an elevation by men.
What Do We Do Now?
For starts we need to pray about everything to the Almighty for guidance,
and if one desires an answer it is a good idea to call upon the real Creator YHVH. Wood, stone,
and the inventions of men cannot answer prayer. The adversary has some abilities but they always lead to destruction.
We also need to answer the call in Rev 18, for we cannot serve two masters. Come out of her
My people lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues, for her sins have piled up to reach heaven....
That call
is to come out of religion totally, and follow the Creator of the universe. Most of our churches have become perverted,
teaching lies. Yirmeyahu 16:19-20, O יהוה
my strength
and my stronghold and my refuge, in the day of distress the gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth
and say, Our fathers have inherited lies and falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them. Therefore see, I am causing them to know, this time I cause them to know My hand
and My might. And they shall know that My
Name is יהוה.
Yeshayahu 12:4-6,
"Praise YHVH, call upon His Name out loud,
Make known His deeds among the peoples,
make mention that His
Name is exalted.
Sing to YHVH, for He has done excellently;
this is known in all the earth.
Cry aloud and shout, O inhabitant of Tsiyon
for great is the Set Apart One
of Israel in your midst."