Life Is In The BLOOD
The remainder of our journey will be enlightening to those who can and do have a
personal relationship with יהוה
יהושע in both obedience to Scripture, and a heart felt desire to know Him by name, and by intent to be in complete
submission to His Purpose forever. We cannot come part way. When the last and final day comes, in the blink of an eye, we will pass
from time into eternity and there will be no baggage allowed.
We are here under the Cover of His Atoning Sacrifice, Or we will be there
in judgment.
We are walking with יהושע יהוה - Yahoshua YHVH through The Feasts That HE Kept, reported in the Good News of Yohanan (John).
The very next Feast is John 10:22. The KJV has it, And it was at Jerusalem the feast of dedication, and it was winter.
'The Scriptures' records it, At that time the Hanukkah came
to be in Yerushalayim, and it was winter.
The Feast of dedication is Hanukkah, and comes around the end of the
pagan year, near and at times on the Pagan Christ-Mass. In short Hanukkah - Festival of Lights, Observes the rededication of the Temple after the Greek ruler Antiochus IV desecrated the Temple by slaughtering
a pig on the alter and erecting a statue of their god Zeus on Dec 25-rebirth of the sun god, around 167 BCE. Three years later,
the Maccabees (Hasmoneans) led by Yahudah Maccabee conquered Judea from the rule of the Seleucids-Syrian rulers who supported
the spread of Greek Religion and culture. Antiochus proclaimed himself a god and took on the name Epiphanes--God Manifest.
Flavius Josephus who is a first century historian and lived during the time of the
Apostles recorded
the events of that time this way.
Antiquities of the Jews, Book 12, Chapter 5. And when the king had built an idol alter upon God's Alter, he slew swine upon it,
and so offered a sacrifice neither according to the law, or the Jewish Religious worship in that country. He also compelled
them to forsake the worship which they paid their own God, and to adore those whom he took to be gods; and made them build
temples and raise idol alters, in every city and village, and offer swine upon them every day (254). He also commanded them not to circumcise their sons, and threatened to punish any to be found to have transgressed
his injunction. He also appointed overseers, who should compel them
to do as he commanded (255). And indeed many Jews there were who complied with the kings commands either voluntarily, or out
of fear of penalty that was denounced; but the best men, and those of the noblest souls, did not regard him, but did pay
a greater respect to the customs of their country then concern as to the punishment which he threatened to the disobedient;
on which account they every day underwent great miseries
and bitter torments (256.) For they were whipped with rods and their bodies were torn to pieces, and were crucified while still alive and breathed: they also strangled those
women and their sons whom
they had circumcised, as the king had appointed, hanging their sons about their necks as they were upon the crosses. And if there were any sacred book of the law found, it was destroyed; and those with whom
they were found miserably perished also. 'Biblical Holidays' Robin Sampson & Linda Pierce.
Three years after the Temple was desecrated, Yahudah Maccabee,
Leader of the small group of Hasmoneans, employed guerrilla warfare. The Syrians were driven out and the Temple was
returned to the Jews, and the task of purifying The Temple began. The
Eight Days of Hanukkah,
Commemorate the Eight days that the Temple Menorah gave light with only one day supply of oil. This Miracle could
have come from only one place, the Throne Room. The Light of the Menorah is the symbol of The Sh'chinah Glory of יהוה and
His eternal Word Dwelling among men. The rededication
happened on the 25th day of Kislev, as did the desecration three years earlier.
One is the celebration of coming out of paganism, the other is the celebration of going into paganism.
The Festival of Lights is the celebration of rededication and coming out from under
the pagan practices of the heathen. The Pagan
December 25, rebirth of the sun gods, is the celebration of going into paganism. One worships the Creator of the universe:
The other worships the god
of forces, the rulers of darkness, and idolatry. Yahoshua attended Hanukkah although it is not a required feast, witnessed by many and reported in John 10:22. יהושע
honored Hanukkah then,
as He honored The First Hanukkah two centuries earlier with the Miracle of the oil.
John 11:55 tells us that the Passover was near and many went up to Jerusalem to
set themselves apart. John 12:1 is found to be Six days before the Passover.
It is important to count the events of His last Shavua.
John 12:1 Accordingly, יהושע, Six days before the Passover,
came to Beyth Anyan, where El'azar was who had died, whom He raised from the dead.
John 13:1 And before the Festival of the Passover, יהושע knowing that His hour
had come, that He should move out of this world unto the Father, having loved them to the end.
This brings us to the events that led to יהושע Being Sacrificed at the hands of the Roman guards. Verse 2 reports that supper was taking place.
Remembering the previous verse that it is before the Passover, we can see that this was not a representation of the
Passover Seder, but it was The Last Supper.
John 13:2
And supper taking place, the devil having already
put it into the heart of Yahudah (Judas) deliver Him up.
John 13:21 Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you shall deliver
Me up.
John 13:27-29 יהושע, therefore said to him, What you do, do quickly.
But His taught ones thought
it was Because
Judas had the money bag, That he was going to buy something.
Not an action that יהושע would have
even suggested at a Passover Meal. Also, had this Meal been a Passover, the Passover Sacrifice would have already
taken place. This was the day of Preparation.
Now comes the Betrothal, and what Is The Renewed Covenant. link >>
John 14:1-4, Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in Elohim, believe Also in Me. In My Fathers house are many staying places. And if not, I
would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I shall come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, you might be too. And where I go you know.
What you have just read is The Renewed Covenant.
The Renewed (New) Covenant was given to Yisra'el, 'I Am sent only for the lose sheep
of the house
of Yisra'el,' said יהושע,
Makes obvious The Renewed Covenant
was not given to 'The
Church.' Although many in 'The Church' are Israel, 'Not all who
say they are Yisra'el are Yisra'el.'
John 14:18 If you love Me you shall guard My Commands,
and I shall ask the Father, and He shall give you another Helper, to
stay with you forever -- the Spirit of the Truth, whom the world is unable to receive, because it does not see Him or
know Him. But
you know Him, for He stays with you and shall be in you. I shall not leave you orphans -- I am coming to you.
Who is sending the Helper - The Comforter?
For I do nothing on My own initiative, the Father within Me, He does all the Works.
Who is the Spirit of Truth, and Who is coming to you?
I shall not leave you orphans -- I am coming to you.
Who Is The Father, The Son, Ruach HaKodesh (Set Apart Spirit, Helper, Comforter)?
"I shall not leave you orphans -- I am coming to you."
How many does it take to occupy the Throne?
"I shall not leave you orphans -- I am coming to you."
Whom is coming?
יהושע יהוה - Yahoshua
How many Is He?
This should be getting easy by now.
What is His Eternal Name, Then, Today, and Forever?
2 Cor 5:14-17
For the love of Messiah compels us, having
judged this: that if one died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live
for themselves, but for Him who died for them, and was raised. So from now onwards we know no one according to the
flesh. And if we have known Messiah according to the flesh, yet now we no longer know Him Thus.
Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a renewed creature the old
matters have passed away, see, all matters have become renewed!
Who has become renewed?
All believers have become renewed.
We have become renewed.
He has become renewed!
Where is He today?
Back on the Throne That He left To come and make us whole.
What is His Name?
Shemot 3:15, This is the way you are to remember Me throughout your generations.
John 10:30 I and My Father are One.
Zekaryah 14:9
And יהוה shall be sovereign over all the earth. In that day there shall be one
יהוה, and His Name One.
Yeshayahu 42:8
I Am יהוה, that is My name, and
My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Yeshayahu 43:3
For I Am יהוה your Elohim, the set apart One of Israel, your Saviour.
Yeshayahu 43:10-11
Before Me there was no El formed, nor after Me there is none. I Am יהוה, and besides Me there is no saviour.
Yeshayahu 48:12 Listen to Me, O Ya'aqov, and Israel, My Called:
I am He, I am the First, I am the Last
46:23 I have sworn by Me every knee
shall bow...
Yeshayahu 44:24 I Am יהוה,
doing all, stretching out the heavens all alone, spreading out the earth, with none beside
Yeshayahu 44:6 I Am the First and I Am the Last, besides Me there is no Elohim.
Yeshayahu 45:18 I am יהוה and there is none else.
Yeshayahu 45:21 Is it not I, יהוה? And there is no mighty one besides Me, a righteous El and a Saviour, there is none besides Me.
How many is He Who is, The First and the last, He Who swears by Himself, Who
Created All Alone, Who Is the only Saviour, Who has none besides Him, To Whom every knee shall bow, Who gives
not His Esteem to another.
There are many more Scriptures, but these should be sufficient.
My purpose here is to present the Scriptures. How one receives
Them is between he and his Creator. Regardless of ones opinion, the Word will not fail. We are here for His Good Pleasure.
Accept or not, The Word is eternal and will not change according to our personal whims. We stand before
יהושע יהוה alone. No man can speak for us. We believe or not according to the Spirit that dwells
within us. Ourselves giving witness that we are or are not sons according to the Promise. Our works give us away.
A Tree is known by its fruit. Nothing is done in secret. Everything is visible
when exposed to The Light.
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