Our Relationship With Abba YHVH
Through His Eyes
After a while, we will be like Him, as we see Him the way He Is. He took
on the flesh for us and remains the same forever in honor of our love and devotion to Him.
We are not the recipient of His Love. We are His
Love manifest in the flesh. We are the only source of sacrifice for Him, as we give our mortal bodies to
Him while yet alive, a living sacrifice.
He in turn responds with the Sacrifice of Himself on our behalf.
How excellent are His ways. We begin to understand when we surrender all
to Him, that He may have His perfect way with us.
Now is the time for salvation. Now is His time for us to honor Him with
the sacrifice of Praise and Worship from all who diligently seek His Face. Honor not the Man, but honor Who He Is, our
Salvation unto perfection.
We give, He receives.
We honor, He responds with an abundant life.
We give of ourselves, He responds with that of Himself which none but His, will
ever have.
We love Him because He Loved us first.
He loves us because He Created us for His Purposeful measure of Righteousness.