Can any of us really find
Love through self?
If we are looking at ourselves for gratification,
is it possible to find Love? Or is what we find
more like a self formed Image of unrealistic goals
placed in motion for our own purposeful invention?
Love is a command.
Love was spoken from the top of Mount Sinai
by It's Author, YHVH Elohanu,
our personal El and
Creator of the Universe. Love was first spoken
with TEN COMMANDS in the presence of Moses
to all the Hebrews, from within the Smoke and Fire
that covered the top of Mount Sinai just after the
Exodus from Egypt.
Our Almighty spoke these commands to all of the
People at one time before He Wrote them with
His Own Finger into Tablets Of Stone.
Love is not a Mosaic Law as some would teach.
Love did not come to us through Moses.
YHVH wanted no mistake that LOVE emanates
from Him, and that He is The Source of all love.
Love was written by the Finger of YHVH in Ten
individual Commands, into Stone Tablets in the
Presence of Moses. These Commands were divided,
Four instructing Love of YHVH, and Six instructing
Love of our fellow man. They were then placed into
The Ark Of The Covenant for a witness to us
forever, for Love Never Fails.
Love is Endless, Eternal, and Perfect.
Love seeks no wrong. Love is the fulfilling of all
that is good. Love is the fruit of the Set
Apart Spirit.
Love is a Command from our Creator, and by following
that Command we Honor Him, we give Reverence to
Him, and we perceive His Wondrous Joy,
And His Perfect Peace.
In Love we find His Presence.
With Love we share His Presence.
Let us continue in Love that we
may have the authority to call