What's in a Face?
A few days ago, as with many
days over the past years, found myself contemplating The Face Of
Abba YHVH and the implications
of not seeing His Face for 'No Man Can See
My Face And Live,' is a constant reminder
that His Face is a place not to tread upon in any way, shape or form, for life will hang in the balance. One cannot
look upon The Face of YHVH in all of His Truth and Sh'kinah Kavod, Divine Presence and Radiance of His Esteem, and
live through the scorn one would feel in that ‘presence so perfect’ and be able to survive for a nano-second.
Like falling into the sun, one would burn up totally whether flesh or spirit, and there would be not even a remembrance of
them throughout the remainder of eternity.
As I contemplated the implications of His Face and what it would be like, I was in awe of what could
be in a face, any face, and what that would mean, trying to understand. So He said in His
Still Small Voice that we would write about exactly that soon.
Today, 'that soon' came around and this writing is what was to come in answer to such an awesome, many years long question.
To be in an awe-inspired journey for many years searching, wondering, contemplating and asking but
not directly, was/is awesome to the extent of lifelessness, expending the kind of energy mentally in that attempt to unlock
the mystery of Why. So as we begin
Speaking of Faces
There is much to consider, and this is what we wrote today.
When we speak of faces, one thing comes to mind that is not another form of the flesh, when considering
The Face of Abba YHVH and His wonderful
blessings implanted upon us that proceed from His Face. Consider
that for a moment. Within the form of the face are both the eyes and nose, and the mouth. It is from the mouth
of Abba YHVH that we and all things were Created, and it is from His Mouth that everything in His Creation stands
at His Calling, as in Yeshayahu 48:13.
From the face also comes cursing and blessings, to the delight or dismay of the recipient.
From the Face also is seen every act that man has performed whether
in hiding or in the open; nothing is hidden from the Face of YHVH. The face is a wonderful implement of the soul,
for through ones face is seen and heard every idle and idol word that he has ever uttered: his face has opened up to the universe
every vestige of thought expressed throughout the ages. I don't have to express to anyone what implications are yet
to come, for from every face in the universe is seen and heard all that is spoken, thought, sensed, and felt, and from and
through the face are myriads of wonderful praises and supplications raised to the Father of all life, both physical and spiritual.
The Face!
The Face is
not a toy to accommodate slander from an impending recipient of argumentative arrogance. The face is also not for the
means of perpetrating evil on anyone, although many forms do exactly that, and cause much hardship among both Abba's Israel, and those who chose not to belong to The Covenant Currently present, and The New Covenant that is soon to come, when as Scripture tells us will flourish when
All Israel return to their Homeland, and HIS Word is implanted in the Hearts and the Minds of All Israel. The New Covenant to come, as in the eternal Covenant still present, are the Words
and impressions given to mankind that will never change, even when those same instructions take presence in the Covenant to
come, commonly spoken of in Scripture as The New Covenant.
From The Face of Abba YHVH came the Words of
the Eternal Covenant, and from the Face of YHVH will come The New Covenant in its perfect time, for from the Face of YHVH every Word has been
perfectly timed for mankind and Angels throughout HisStory, and we are the
recipients of Both Covenants, current-Eternal, and the addition to that Eternal Covenant, when every Word of the Eternal Covenant will be immersed within the Hearts and the Minds of all men, Angels
Now my friends, are the comments that we all have been waiting for from eternity past. The
comments for these Last Days and closing moments of
HisStory as we know it, as we proceed into the effects of
the Seventh and Last Day of Earthly Existence as
we also know it, to be announced as we
speak here today.
For now, as we partake of the Blessings that Abba has and is bestowing upon all who have and do follow the Eternal Covenant today and in times past, there are many Words that Abba would like to speak to everyone of His people Israel. Because the enemy of Love has interfered to the extent he has in each of our lives, many
and perhaps most do not hear The Still Small Voice
well enough to SHEMA, both received Blessings
and those to come, so this media is available to both us and Him, to accomplish just that. I know this is a surprise
to the many, but these Words must be spoken sooner or later, and the sooner the better for each of us to become aware of the
position we are in these Last Days.
To the detriment of those who will balk at this witting, allow me to offer forgiveness, for we have
been trained in absolute silence to not observe Words that come in the form of Abba's Word Anew, and do as we must, rely upon the Text's we have available to us to gauge and measure
every spoken word to prove the authenticity of its origin. To those who do not immediately adhere/understand the origin,
my condolences for any confusion or suffering you may experience in determining the authenticity of what is being written.
So, here goes.
In the beginning Abba Created everything
that was Created, and it was good. What crept into the confusion of the wonders Angels were attempting to figure out
from what it was they saw, and some participated within, they spoke among themselves in countless Awe, for nothing like current
Creation was ever imagined among them, and the scope of the Creation was barely even understood in its content. During
the figuring and contemplating, many turned to a spokesman who took it upon himself to be a dictator among them, and from
him was expected an explanation for the depth of both physical Creation, and spiritual changes they all saw through their
own faces.
The instructions all had then, are the same as they are today. TAKE UPON YOURSELF
Because Abba YHVH, then not known
as YHVH to them, told them directly from His Face, the rules we would all abide by during this, and all transitions in time forever, that
His Word will never change, down to the slightest expressive curve or extension of any letter of even the smallest of His
Word. Because these Words were spoken directly from the mouth of YHVH to them directly, and not through an emissary, the importance of those commands were to be the
ultimate Law among them, and the breaking of even the slightest of them would result in catastrophic punishment to their own
This brought even more confusion to those who had not that close interpersonal relationship with
YHVH, and they sought even more a representative to
explain. Subsequently, the covering cherub took upon itself the role of what developed into the first dictatorship in
the Face of Abba YHVH, and those same
Angels are today following that same devil as they are even now being taken to the first stage of gathering for the ceremony
that will see them
all thrown into the Lake that Burns with
Fire for all remaining eternity.
From then on, only the closest of Creation were given Wisdom needed to decipher the Commands/Words
Abba YHVH would speak from then until now; that curse remains among them, and few, if any, have and/or will
find their way home. That said, Home is where the Heart is, and the Heart is the spirit that will guide all directly
back to the place and estate they once had among the stars, and walk literally with HIM, Abba YHVH, throughout Eternity
- the Last and Final Day of current Creation as we now know it.
From this moment on, all who can hear these words will have a different relationship with his maker.
His maker as defined as 'the one each of us will follow into eternity.' Some to a clear view of the universe and those who inhabit it, and some to the smoke and mirrors of the deception
they were driven into by themselves and the dictator they followed.
Now, allow us to delve a little deeper into this view of Creation from its inception to its commencement.
In view of all that has been said here, and all that there is to understand as we delve deeper, allow me to ascribe to you
a personal message. You, who can understand these words have a personal advantage. You will begin to see more
clearly what is before your 'Faces' and understand
the consequences of what these words and those in Scripture have imparted unto you. You will forever be in tune with
Abba differently than those who do not understand as
shown above by the Words written directly from Abba-Daddy as a comfort
to your souls. The understanding heart will take leaps and bounds in understanding Creation from its inception, and
will forever have the vision of togetherness with his Maker in sublime responsive and attentive
respect that only He is
worthy of.
Let us proceed!
I have written these words as they have been given to me, one by one. They were penned-so
to speak, by way of computer and sent along regional lines into cyber-space for all human consumption. These words were
written directly through The Still Small Voice that we are all
prompted to listen only to in our minds, and only adhere to as law among us, as HE would guide us all individually into all
truth not spoken here for the first time, but told in scripture that He would come individually to all for that purpose.
As we speak, many are beginning to hear that voice that is Stiller and Smaller
than thought itself, and will become more accustomed to Him in this way as time winds down and settles firmly in His Rest
Day, The Seventh Day Shabbat we have all hoped and waited for. Welcome to Shabbat-the Seventh Day millennium spoken
of in scripture, and find rest for your souls, as the cleaning up of the evil that has permeated this planet throughout time
is cleared, and we be lead into lush green fields that The Shepherd of our lives and souls
will lead us through.
As in Psalms - Tehillim 23, and David took his flock through the valley of darkness-crevasse and
washes, with steep walls on either side, up to the flat tops of lush places to rest and feed, we will be guided through a
similar valley of death, and the ones responsible for the threat to 'eternal life' and limb are the very ones that supplanted
the Words of Abba in mass confusion. Remember, "Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me." So when we are going through the coming affliction
and corrections in our walk to the resting Shabbat we are promised to spend with Him, Abba YHVH for this insuing
'Thousand Years Reign,' remember that David did not have it easy either.
The difference today is the enemy of our eternal life has many ways to hinder our march to the top of the mountain where the
green pastures are, where we will abide with Him in pleasant bliss and spiritual maturity that only He can supply.
Our Walk will not be an easy one. We will be afflicted on all sides, and we will be killed
for our belief and working Faith in every Word breathed by HIM. Today there is nowhere to hide from the birth pains
that we are in,
'Beginning of Sorrows.'
Many expected an easy way out, but there never has been an easy way out of testing except to pass
with flying colors due to our own diligence to His Word and the guidance from His Still Small Voice.
I welcome you in
this final walk to the finish line. I will be walking with you though perhaps not in sight, but I will be there with
you for comfort and direction. I brought you into this fray, and I will deliver you from it, though not bodily perhaps,
but your change is coming and there is no one that can stop it.
Penned by Yosef
July 12, 2008
by direct Word from Abba YHVH.