Mirror Image
Conditions beyond our control dictate at times how we
feel, or what
we believe. How then can we believe that
love is motivated from outside influences, when love is
an internal choice
made with intent and carried in our
hearts forever, because love never fails.
If what we feel becomes what we love, we would be on
a merry-go-round and a roller coaster
at the same
time, constantly. How can we say
that what we feel is
love when most of the time
we do not even know what we feel?
When in the life of any of us are we determined
lovers from feelings? How shallow can we
into selfishness for gain and feelings if we are not
in concert with our hearts? Is what we feel more
than what we believe? In our constant
attempt to attain feel-good status, others are
pushed aside. There is no room
for two on that
ladder; We occupy the rungs alone,
no consideration is possible for another.
It does not sound very good stated in real terms,
does it? This is where we are in a quest for selfish
feelings. No one will care for us in the end of it,
not even the Author of Love.