ABBA My Father
I can only consider that, יהוה - YHVH
has always been the
Father of all who diligently search for the Truth with no turning
back for a second look at the world.
We come to Him today in prayer
and supplication with no
baggage, if we indeed have given to Him our all, and we come
with no other interference that tends to cloud
our perception
of Him, so we can find the easy approach that comes with
a close loving relationship with Him, and
secondly a deep
inter emotion that can only come from Him.
We continue with Him in all that we do, and always
appeal to Him, that we stay on track with no holds
barred, to be with Him in all that we do.
Our problems all diminish when we pursue relationship
with יהוה.
Our real devotion is always seen in our works,
as the Apostle said, "I will show you my faith by
my works."
Our Father spoke to us in parables most of the time while
He walked with us, but today He speaks to us plainly,
all who believe in His Name.
To understand plainly is perfect harmony with His
instructions to Love as He Loved us. When we do not
understand His Words because they sound like parables,
is because Wisdom comes from Him, as יהושע
our Messiah said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this
to you
but My Father in Heaven."
Likewise today, some have lost
that personal relationship
with ABBA יהוה, and with that, have lost
His personal
Instruction. Unfortunately
those who have lost it have
no idea that anything is missing.
They have become wise
in their own estimation and have
lost the Key Of
Wisdom. By searching out the
teachings of men, they
have lost touch with Wisdom's Author,
and follow what
they know not as truth. What
has been lost comes not
to mind, for should the day arrive
that they can see what
they have lost, they would repent
immediately and be
filled with Ruach Ha Kodesh - Spirit The Set Apart,
instead of the teachings of men.
"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy
laden, and I will give you rest."
"Return to the Faith that was once delivered to
the saints,
and be ye separate, for I Am Separate."
Let us separate ourselves from the world and
come to the Water Of Life and Drink.