Walk With Creator-Messiah

Now We Speak

BOOK - So Goes Creation
Statement of Faith
Abba Speaks
About the Author
Author Speaks
Tears On The Mount Of Olives.
What's in a Face?
Be There
Masters Of Nothing
Now We Speak
Stop The Noise
Rapture! For Or Against.
Speaking In Tongues
The Wages Of Sin IS Not Grace
Holidays, Holidays Holidays
Why Israel Was Created
A Brief Description of YHVH
Loving Relationships
Forever Is Timeless
Invitation to believers
Called & Chosen
Last Frontier
My Friend
His Purpose
What Now
When We Pray
Love Conquers All
Through His Eyes
Our Purpose
The Way
Our Walk
Our Questions
Salvation Now
YHVH is the Answer
The Answer
Simply LOVE
Love Will Abound
Mirror Image
LOVE - A Mirror Image
A Closer Walk With Thee
Messiah seen through Hebrew Tradition
He Walhs, We Follow
His Name
Spring Feasts
Appointed Times
Inspiring Journey
Life Is In The Blood
A Quick Review
Messiah's Ministry
He Is Coming
Most Bizarre of All Thoughts
A Mans True Self Exposed
Abundant Life
An Appeal From Above
Our Heritage
Separation: A Man Made Barrier
What Comes Next? Decisions, Really?
Eternity As We Speak
Life From Its Origin
Our Actions Write The Script
Our Personal Script
So Goes Creation
Preview to Beginning of Sorrows.
Our Walk Defined
Why I Eat Kosher
Prophets Of BAAL Revisited
Summary and Prelude
Springboard to Controversy
Many are Called, Few are Chosen
Where are the dead?
Now We Begin
Hebrew Words Translated

Every man has a voice.  What we speak with that voice tells where we are in our relationship with Abba YHVH.



While we were young, there were many things we hoped for.
We wished for things we could imagine even before we understood them properly. We took for granted those things we had, hoping that they would never leave, but not taking good care of them as we enjoyed them with utter non-concern that they would never leave. 


Today, as we look back on those fleeting moments in time, we can see the disregard for what we were never sure was permanent, although we never gave thought that one day things would change and we would long for some of those to return.


Now we are on the alert for what we know is coming from listening to Scripture, and finding that every Word is truth in our hearing and we should have given attention to those weightier things called The Word Of YHVH.  Studying for these moments was not a thought because we were engulfed in our own little world of understanding from man's point of view, and we rarely took heed to the instructions we read daily like, You will find Me if you search for Me with all of your heart, and all of your mind, and all of your strength, and everything within your will.  Trouble with those Words were, we had no idea what they meant in total; we just thought that giving what we could at the time meant all the difference, and that is all that mattered.


Some of us have taken direct heed to those
Words in a more fulfilling way.

We could not understand them until every vestige of what we held dear was either taken from us, or we finally gave them over to our Creator in a meaningful and direct way, thereby forfeiting life itself for the purpose Abba YHVH - Daddy had intended our lives to continue in.  The surprises we found were many.  We gave even our every breath and every lustful desire, and every purpose we had accepted for ourselves in the past, knowing that there was a greater reward to follow, but not understand that these rewards to follow would find themselves in our midst even before we entered the Next Life.  Expecting rewards few, some not even expecting any reward but the most gracious gift in Scripture, "I AM THY EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD," Settling on that as the only desired reward expected, and not even sure how close that would place us in proximity with Abba Daddy, we were satisfied perhaps just to be in the choir, to sing praises to Him for the balance of eternity, and that would have been good enough.  Today, as we begin to receive gifts innumerable, one at a time, wondering why, since we expected not those things, we find ourselves in another form of awesome wonder and praise for the ONE who would be found to be even closer than a brother.  So close that we could touch Him in spirit and hear Him even Word for Word.
So close that there would be nothing between He and us, for He would walk with us and be our guide, if only we could bear the burden of Love and fellowship with Him, without feeling distant and unworthy, for He would take those feelings away from us and make for us a comfort zone in His presence we could call His Lap.  Surrounded by His loving arms, the breath of life that came from Him would fill us whether we could feel it at any particular time, or sense it either.


Take Heed to those presents wrapped in Love from the ONE whom you would love to be at the foot of, and see within yourself the wonderful things HE has prepared for you even before you enter the Heavenlies, that you be well informed of the true meaning of the prophecies that foretell that, 'Gifts To Men,' were in the offering.
Too many of us lust for financial gifts that can rust and rot away and be forgotten or distant in memory soon after receiving as we then lust for more.  Lust is lust and never satisfied, but the gifts He gives while we are still alive in the flesh are so much more than financial, that until we receive them we are just unaware of a caring
Daddy as gracious as He. 


Now we come to the even weightier message on giving and receiving.
Personal gifts that feed the soul will never retire from our life
'Here and There' as we live through these moments until heaven opens for us The Door to Eternal Life with Him.  What we receive are the gifts He wanted to give us from the beginning, all we had to do is wait for them and follow Him to that point in time and place.  Being in the wrong place and time have robed may of what would have been a just reward in following, instead they have the just un-reward for rebelling.  What must a person do to gain the rewards of eternal life after physical life, are the same as receiving the just rewards given even before that final call to be there with Him.  Following is the most gracious praise we can offer to Him, and when it also contains our very life, it is a complete Living Sacrifice.  Would not the return in the form of rewards be just as complete?  O' how wonderful are the Words that Abba speaks.  All we have to do is with wonderful reverence, participate, and the beginning of reverence is His Name.  By this we know we are following Him properly, because when we use His Name, and have gone the extra mile to be certain of it, we have fulfilled the most important instruction in His Word, Have no strange Elohim in My Face.  We really get what we pray for, and expect what we ask for, as it is according to scripture, we will receive them.


Discussing what gifts each one of us receive is fruitful only to ourselves, and should only be discussed with the Giver.  He knows, and will tell us the whys and wherefores that we were worthy to receive them.  If we receive not, it is within scripture to understand.  Caveat, a selfish heart will never receive the wonderful gifts from Abba YHVH, for desiring to devour them in ones lust is not the purpose we receive from Him.  He gives not because we gave to others, but because we gave to Him, and examine for ourselves what gifts we could possibly give to Him who sustains everything in the universe with the power of His Word?  What gifts could each of us possibly have that is of value to Him?   If you are thinking things or money, you could not begin to understand what He desires of you.  If one is not in tune with Him, that one will never understand His mind, so there could never be an interpersonal relationship enough to even begin to understand, and if one is chasing after false elohim, that one will have his reward, for our Creator stands ready to give whatever is a just reward.  This is not difficult to understand for those who follow Him.  But to those
chasing rainbows - so to speak - it will elude them to death.
From now on, there will be no witness to whatever is happening within our respective lives physically or spiritually except
Abba YHVH-Daddy.  His is the only witness we need to expect anything from Him, for His witness is a wholesome and perfect witness and is based upon 'His Calling' to each of us.  We either followed, or we went in another direction, and that direction was a free choice, for none will be dragged into His presence, even on Judgment Day, and that Day is independent for each of us, we judge ourselves by each decision we have made or will make, and these decisions are eternal.  No one will rob anyone of his reward.  What he strove for, worked for, desired, followed after and chose, were/are his own to live with eternally.  Enough said!


The end of it all will close with our choices.  No one but ourselves are making these for us, for the decision was manifest in our spirit long before they were conceived in our flesh.  We knew the risk and the reward, and we made the choice.


Regards!  Yosef
7 11 2008