Walk With Creator-Messiah

Invitation to Believers

BOOK - So Goes Creation
Statement of Faith
Abba Speaks
About the Author
Author Speaks
Tears On The Mount Of Olives.
What's in a Face?
Be There
Masters Of Nothing
Now We Speak
Stop The Noise
Rapture! For Or Against.
Speaking In Tongues
The Wages Of Sin IS Not Grace
Holidays, Holidays Holidays
Why Israel Was Created
A Brief Description of YHVH
Loving Relationships
Forever Is Timeless
Invitation to believers
Called & Chosen
Last Frontier
My Friend
His Purpose
What Now
When We Pray
Love Conquers All
Through His Eyes
Our Purpose
The Way
Our Walk
Our Questions
Salvation Now
YHVH is the Answer
The Answer
Simply LOVE
Love Will Abound
Mirror Image
LOVE - A Mirror Image
A Closer Walk With Thee
Messiah seen through Hebrew Tradition
He Walhs, We Follow
His Name
Spring Feasts
Appointed Times
Inspiring Journey
Life Is In The Blood
A Quick Review
Messiah's Ministry
He Is Coming
Most Bizarre of All Thoughts
A Mans True Self Exposed
Abundant Life
An Appeal From Above
Our Heritage
Separation: A Man Made Barrier
What Comes Next? Decisions, Really?
Eternity As We Speak
Life From Its Origin
Our Actions Write The Script
Our Personal Script
So Goes Creation
Preview to Beginning of Sorrows.
Our Walk Defined
Why I Eat Kosher
Prophets Of BAAL Revisited
Summary and Prelude
Springboard to Controversy
Many are Called, Few are Chosen
Where are the dead?
Now We Begin
Hebrew Words Translated

You are invited to become as close to your Creator as you wish.  The distance is up to you.

INVITATION to Believers

Invitation to believers was written to help one develop a close and personal relationship with his Creator and
respond to Him in a more personal, acceptable way.

Giving all that one has is our reasonable service, 
including our lives and all that there is in this world.

His Name יהוה He spoke to
Mosheh in Ex3:15 and articulated
"This in My Name Forever, and this is the way
you are to remember Me for all generations."

He left His Throne for a time and He Walked with us as The Man יהושע -Yahoshua.  Today He sits on the Throne that He left to come for us.  He became a man and suffered the same temptations as we yet without sin. He put on the flesh for us that we may be like Him at our resurrection, yet He bears the marks of His torture.  We cannot come to Him without first accepting the gift of eternal life through His offering for sin, and we as inheritors of His Throne are His children forever, as He inherits the Throne He left,  now occupied in the form of The Word Made Flesh, told us to know no man after the flesh, even HaMashiach, "Though we knew Him in the flesh, hence forth we know Him no more as such." 
He did not expect that we would suffer anything that
He would not suffer, that no man may glory in His
presence.  He is the sole occupier of His Throne,
and His Esteem belongs only to Himself, singular,
for  יהוה Is אחד -Echad, ONE. 

When we place all at the feet of יהוה - YHVH ,
holding nothing back, we begin our journey toward
eternal life. 
Should He decide to give us riches,
that is good.  Should He decide to give poverty,
that is also good.  For there is not one thing that 
יהוה will do with and for us that is not good.

Whether we are holding onto things, or have
surrendered all, we will be tested.  The testing will
reveal where we stand with Him.  May I say that it is better to give all as soon as possible, our reward is
Life more abundantly. 

Holding onto things will bring us into more testing,
that too is good, but when we have given all,
our testing
although intense, will be
handled in His Strength.

We cannot give all to יהוה while holding back one
speck, or fraction of a cent.  We must surrender all, that He may have His Perfect Way with us.  While
we are holding back anything, יהוה is limited in
what He can do with us.  The more we hold back,
our limitations become greater.  Holding back is
like tying a chain around our necks; our radius
becomes limited to the length of that chain, the
one we strangle ourselves with by what we hold
onto.  Can one say that he has given all to 
still hold onto people, places, and things? 
All that we have has been given to us, what
we return is what we share.  Holding back is what
limits us.  He wants to give us so much
more than we can even consider. 
We limit that by holding on.

What we receive from YHVH will come in His Time
and not our own.  He will be preparing us for the gifts that we receive.  That preparation can be difficult and painful if we are not letting go of all. 
The more difficult we have it, is the measure of what we hold.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden,
and I will give you rest for your souls." 

Our rest comes from letting go of all that we were
holding.  The more rest we have been given, is
determined by how much we have let go.  It is that
easy, and sounds too good to be true, but how
difficult is free fall? 
Certainly that cannot be
accomplished all at once.  We do not even know
just how much we hold until we begin to let go. 
That is when the testingcomes.  The testing is for
us, since He already knows what holds us.

Take a good look in the mirror of our lives, and we
will see more clearly.  Examine our desires and we
will find the origin of those desires.  Honesty is
important here, for we can only fool ourselves on
this one.  How honest we are is the measure
that we make of ourselves. 

If we have given all to יהושע המשיח, He will be
in charge, even of our desires.  When we can just let Him bring in our desire, then fulfill that desire, we
will "Be Perfect, as My Father is Perfect."

Come to the end of yourself, and see what is left. 
What should be seen is only one thing.  Our
desire to be closer to Him in all that we are,
all that we may be, and all that there is.

Coming to יהוה with no baggage is paramount. 
There will be no baggage in the new Jerusalem. 
Anything we may have is from Him, nothing that we
bring is welcome.  What He has prepared
for us is beyond our imagination. 

"Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard,
nor have entered into the heart of man, what
Elohim has prepared for those who love Him." 
What we would bring would contaminate His Blessings.

Can we begin to discuss what
YHVH has in store for us? 
Our rewards have been in process since the

Cup of Betrothal
was passed at the Last Supper. 
Only those who can drink of that cup are welcome
into His Reward.  Only those who have given all that
they are, will be there with Him in the Chuppah
Only those who can say,
"There is nothing left to give you Father,"
will see Him Face to face. 
Nothing held back, is what He Commands.

When we examine ourselves, and find things that are
fused so tight that they stick to us, and that is only
because we have held onto them so tightly that
they have imbedded themselves, we need to
ask that they be removed.  Now that surgery will
be painful, but like perfect surgery, we will be
healed and free from what has contaminated
us.  "He who has been set free is free indeed."

For those who seek to become perfect,
come to He Who Is Perfect.  For those who need
to be free, come to He Who Is Free. 

says He, "and I will give you Rest."

The invitation has been there forever. 
Why keep holding on?  Let go of all and see
what wonderful abundant life is waiting.

