Walk With Creator-Messiah

Abba Speaks

BOOK - So Goes Creation
Statement of Faith
Abba Speaks
About the Author
Author Speaks
Tears On The Mount Of Olives.
What's in a Face?
Be There
Masters Of Nothing
Now We Speak
Stop The Noise
Rapture! For Or Against.
Speaking In Tongues
The Wages Of Sin IS Not Grace
Holidays, Holidays Holidays
Why Israel Was Created
A Brief Description of YHVH
Loving Relationships
Forever Is Timeless
Invitation to believers
Called & Chosen
Last Frontier
My Friend
His Purpose
What Now
When We Pray
Love Conquers All
Through His Eyes
Our Purpose
The Way
Our Walk
Our Questions
Salvation Now
YHVH is the Answer
The Answer
Simply LOVE
Love Will Abound
Mirror Image
LOVE - A Mirror Image
A Closer Walk With Thee
Messiah seen through Hebrew Tradition
He Walhs, We Follow
His Name
Spring Feasts
Appointed Times
Inspiring Journey
Life Is In The Blood
A Quick Review
Messiah's Ministry
He Is Coming
Most Bizarre of All Thoughts
A Mans True Self Exposed
Abundant Life
An Appeal From Above
Our Heritage
Separation: A Man Made Barrier
What Comes Next? Decisions, Really?
Eternity As We Speak
Life From Its Origin
Our Actions Write The Script
Our Personal Script
So Goes Creation
Preview to Beginning of Sorrows.
Our Walk Defined
Why I Eat Kosher
Prophets Of BAAL Revisited
Summary and Prelude
Springboard to Controversy
Many are Called, Few are Chosen
Where are the dead?
Now We Begin
Hebrew Words Translated


This is how we can achieve our objective, The Presence Of  YHVH.


Abba Speaks

It is a pleasure to meet with you here.
It is hoped that you will find a broader and more perfect relationship with your Creator Abba YHVH in the few pages published here.  He told us, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone will open that door, I will come into him and dine with him and he with Me." How perfect a summons!  Share at His table, Words that were spoken for an Eternity.  Feed on the Bread of Life directly from His Throne; extract the fruits of Eternal Life directly, within the Harvest that He is now in the midst of gathering throughout the Nations. 

Prepare yourself for an exciting journey that will carry you much farther than you would anticipate from any pastor or teacher in the flesh.  Here on candleinthedarkness.com, you will be confronted with the pleasure of meeting your Maker Face to face, without the baggage
one customarily carries throughout one's life.  You will be asked to ditch that baggage by HE Who will bring you into His Fold naked and alone, that the Two of you may share a Communion beyond human expectation, and march toward the goal that was once shared with His people Israel before they fell prey to the enemy, but healed in these Last Days of Life as we have known it from Bereshit to Revelation-Gilyahna.  Be on guard for nothing!  Drop all of your baggage in the recycle bin and enter 'Life more abundantly, that can come from only One place, Abba YHVH.'  You will, be asked to let go of all things earthly while you study with Him.  You will be taught to have a 'Quiet Mind' that He may be heard.

You will always be asked to be open and honest with yourself while in Communion with Him, understanding that He knows exactly where you are at all times.  You have need to discover what has been withholding yourself from even approaching Him.  Since the Summons comes directly from Him-Abba
YHVH, there is no need for fear in His presence.  His Love you will find, is His most awesome attribute, and you will come to understand why you were called and chosen to participate with Him in this testing of yourself, and find where you really are in relationship with Him, and why you have limited yourself by both distance and exposure.

In coming before Him in complete abandon, there is nothing that is needed but you yourself.  Bring nothing with you!  Take what you can glean from the corners of these Harvest Fields, and when you have found Treasure within even the corners of these Harvest Fields, you will become His Guest as Ruth became, to reap from where you may and dine on what you reap.  You will also be instructed to take what you have reaped home with you to spread what you have found, among your family and friends.  A Lighted Candle is never placed under a cover, but upon a high place to shine everywhere within its reach.

A Candle can light another Candle, and the light which expands outwardly into the darkness will most certainly bring to your own feet, Heavenly Presence of He Who will cast His Light on your path also.

You may have the fear of entry the enemy has tricked among mankind, but you will soon find it is nothing more than paper giants that fall with only one breath.

You may consider much difficulty awaits you as your life comes closer to Him.  Allow me to assure you, the closer you come to Abba Daddy, the easier you will find it, and His Love will beacon you forward with the Shalom and Love that can only be found within a Loving Daddy.  Once within the felt presence of His  Sh'kinah Kavod  (Divine presence of His Esteem), there will be nothing to fear in His Presence.  Your life will be changed as only He can make those changes, for with His help you will achieve Eternal Life while living in this fleshly abode.

Come now!  Do not be shy!  He is the Light of the World, and He is the Light that will light every decision you will make from the time you enter His Presence, to the time He gathers you into His Bosom.  If you are up to that Call, come in and dine with Abba YHVH and reap the 'Best' of the land.

Jan 6, 2008