From here we take a slight turn and get ready for the second set of writings that may
not be completed on this website, as they are geared for the second book that will be written soon. So far, these writings
have been a preparation study for the most important works to date, covering the mysteries the Latter Rain is now deluging
upon us with Wisdom from above and a sound thinking that will get us through this Seventh Day unscathed, for just because
we are here does not mean we are yet free. Those who reign with Messiah on this day are His, but there are still millions
among us that are do not belong to Him and can still lead astray some of the called and chosen.
Enjoy the remaining thoughts here and return often, and be prepared for the next set
of writings, to be announced soon. Also go to for an oppertunity to receive the book So Goes Creation at
the cost of printing and shipping. Keep it near and it will answer many questions that come up during this outpouring from
the latter rain. There is much more in the book than on this web-site. Be sure to get a copy.