Throughout So Goes Creation the Still Small Voice, of which Scripture testifies, is plainly seen, discussed, attended to, encouraged, taught,
inspired, and found compulsory to have as close an interpersonal relationship with to hear, yet we only approach as we
allow, even knowing that Voice is AbbaYHVH. I make no claim to discussions with false, or inventions of men, the likes of what Christianity,
Buddhism, Islam, and such honor as deity.
Expressed within the book also is the account that "We get the deity we call upon." That
means if you are praying and asking in the names of false elohim, that is what you get. As you cannot think in your mind that
the devil is THE DEITY-Creator, pray and make request to him/them and expect AbbaYHVH to answer your prayers, so goes it with asking the jesus, the lord,
and the moon god, the sun god by many names including Baal=Lord. The answer will be the same. Ask and you will receive
goes all the way around. You get the deity you call upon.
Back to Abba (Daddy)YHVH, who is only Daddy to those who have come when called, not unlike the sheep answering the call of their shepherd. You
will not find in Scripture where anyone was asked or instructed by his Creator to not call out to Him. Show me any of the
prophets that were not inspired and taught by AbbaYHVH. Scripture tells us 'You will find ME if you search for Me with all
of your heart.'
Next on the agenda is commitment.
As spoken often in So Goes Creation, it takes a total
commitment, leaving nothing unaccounted for, to hear His Still Small Voice. Biggest problem
is this. How can one hear a voice that is stiller and smaller than thought itself, with all the stuff swishing around in busy
minds that listen to everything else, like some of the noise many call music. It is difficult to hear a voice that is almost
undetectable even for the most avid listener, to hear IT through all of the noise we allow into our minds. Thus, Quite the
mind if hearing His Still Small Voice is important to any of you, at least for the first
Next and most important is this. Can a person be trusted with what he hears from Abba personally? and believe me you will be tested on Trust. He does not
throw His pearls before swine. When Scripture says """You have to Love the Truth.""" it is more of a command ultimate, to
hearing His Still Small Voice. Scripture tells us, 'All men are taught by YHVH, those who have
heard and learned will come to Me.' Heard What?
Many would like to hear directly from HIM, but are not willing to give the attention to all the
detail and learning that is necessary to comply. His Still Small Voice is not inborn, but
earned, not through physical labor or physical gratification and such, but by LOVE, and the kind of LOVE that it takes is
not something learned through peers, seminary, university, or instructional institution. One actually must put down his own
life as Abba gave witness and example. It takes a living sacrifice, the
one we find in Scripture.
The next book will almost double in size. The first is a prerequisite to the second. In other
words, one will not understand the second without a vivid understanding and working relationship with his ABBA. The first book is the lead in to the second and is most important to get through the Seventh
Day we are in. This Seventh Day will not be a status-quo. Scripture tells us that we will live and reign with Him for One
thousand years. How can one accomplish that without full knowledge of Him and what is expected. EXPECTED meaning; not a religious
attentive devotional search through the teachings of religious men, but an interpersonal walk.
Quoting from the page 'Our Walk Defined', “Our Walk
represents our closeness to our Creator in vivid terms and exposure by degree of accomplishments. Lessons learned by experience
and assignments completed. Multiple assignments as time passes solidifies confidence within, enough to bring forth an unwavering
dedication unmovable. Othere than eternal life itself, what greater gift can a man receive than a working, vividly seen, punctual
preplanned life and felt presence with his best friend and Creator? I know not one! Our Walk defines our relationship. Our
Faith, or lack of, is exposed in what we do and there is nowhere to hide!
Finances are not the reason for this book. Teaching and training Abba's own to release themselves from the cares of this life in an interpersonal way and coming
to Him with no baggage is the entire reason this work was undertaken. The second is what we will learn by living in His house
with refrigerator rights so-to-speak.
The enemy has found many religious ways to hide from us our heritage, keep us hood-winked,
and separated from our Creator. It is time to re-take the kingdom and what is rightfully ours, for the time has come and is
passing quickly found in Daniel 7:13, I saw in the night visions, and, see, one like Bar
Enosh came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of days, and they brought him near before him, And there was
given Him dominion, and ruler-ship and a Kingdom that all peoples, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion
is an everlasting dominion, and shall not pass away, and His kingdom shall not be destroyed....v 18, But the (Kidushim) - Set Apart Ones
of the Most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom (le-olam-va-ed)
forever....v 22, Until the Ancient of Days came and (mishpat) - judgment was given to the Set Apart Ones of the Most High; and the
time came that the Set Apart Ones possessed the (Malchut) -Kingdom....v-27 and the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole (Shamayim) - heavens shall be given to the people of the Set Apart Ones of the
Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. RSTNE
Just before this in v-9-10 The Ancient of Days set
up thrones and was seated, the Judge was seated and the scrolls were opened. Friends, if you can hear
this, that Seating and Judgment began September 3, 2003. If you cannot hear it, that should not make any difference to you
in your walk.
It was never expected at the outset to be a full publication works, just thought that these
writings were for sharing with Internet friends and family however far removed or close. Now Abba has been preparing me for Our next publication that will be so over-the-top that am not sure how to explain to you
what it will be like, but I can give you a summary as currently understood, and will take it from there. How long the second
book will take I will not venture, am always in error when second guessing His timing. So
Goes Creation gives us a working view of what we exist for and a purpose not well understood among the
Set Apart Ones. It gives us a look at the worthlessness of the flesh and brought focus on the spirit of the a man which inherits
eternal Life or eternal separation, understanding our origins and how Abba has set in motion our finishing.
Our second
publication will focus, among other things, on what the spirit actually consists of. We are now aware somewhat of our physical
worthless flesh without profit, and how that original spirit that is us, exists in reality. Also how that spirit
motivates our physical throughout life here on earth and is judged or not on the choices made daily-moment by moment as we
walk through this life's furnace and slowly overcome as instructed. We broke down the flesh of the man as in all physical
substance on earth as nothing in His eyes, and even less in our own if we examine ourselves closely enough with our finite
mind and ever so limited time-span on earth, and science has determined that Earth shrunk into solid matter would be the size
of a pea leaves little left to imagine that we are only her for His purpose and the physical is little more than an illusive
group of what we would consider matter without substance, and in essence is nothing less than existence under His watchful
hand and only by His power can we physically exist; our spirit walks through the system of 'judgment or not,' upon this earth
physical. It is much to absorb as life has taught us through religious men who worship the flesh, that somehow the flesh is
paramount in this Creation picture. There is much to re-learn and study to be prepared for His newly falling Latter Rain.
That is the intent of So Goes Creation, a vivid look at Interpersonal
Relationship with Abbaיהוה being the only
focal point we need to survive the furnace of affliction, in this small thing we call the Universe.
Now Abba desires to take us a step
or two further and describe to us what spirit is composed and consists of, and in doing so will give us a deeper understanding
of the eternal life we seek and what we might expect, at least from our personal makeup and where we actually stand on the
eternal scale. But what motivates me the most is this. Our Daddy
יהוה also
desires that we understand as far as we can, what His makeup is also. Is it not a little over the top to wonder exactly what
our perfect Creator is also composed of? In doing so we will get a deeper understanding of our relationship first hand as
we stand in front of Him with what we really are. This comparison will be astounding in scope and will set the record
straight for those who rely upon Him and search for Him with all of their heart continually as Scripture suggests.
By these, we will live through this Seventh Day knowing our Maker and have a deeper understanding
why He has done this with us, and as a potter has need to finish His work, Abba YHVH must also finish us in purity and eliminate the imperfections we gained
in this filthy fire of affliction among the most detestable forms of man-made atrocities. He will clear up who we are in relationship
with Him as one longing to know their Daddy unseen.
I am buckling my seat-belt so-to-speak, because this ride, at least for me will be so over-the-top
of anything imagined that if He had not trained me already to not be overwhelmed at Him, or because of Him, I could just die
from the awareness of His Greatness.
We speak these words because they have been taught to us descriptively, but now we are going
to hear them placed in practice, for Abba is going to prepare all of His for the up and coming events this world has little imagined,
and only a working, vividly seen and punctual pre-planned life and felt presence will get us through its difficulty unscathed.
your spiritual seat-belt and buckle up, strap on Ruach HaKodesh because it is not
going to be a pleasant ride to the finish line very soon, and we all need to get with HIM as soon as possible. Step by step,
let’s go. He has been knocking at the door all of our lives but religion has clouded our sight and the sound of its
mantra has drowned out the Still Small Voice we need so much
today. Let us quiet the mind and listen for the Voice that is stiller and smaller than thought itself. It will take a little
time, because, although HE has been there speaking, we have become accustomed to dismissing Him and concentrating on the loud
boisterous voices we inherited through our family, friends, and religious circles. Let us get back to basics and BE THERE.
Like anything we begin floundering at, getting back to the basics starts a whole new life.