When we become accountable
for everything we do, only then can we say that we have made the decision to allow our Savior to direct our lives.
There are no alternatives
to allowing Him to enter into a bond with us and direct our lives completely. Only when we have given all to Him can we achieve
a more abundant life through Him. Whatever we hold back, we control and allow not His direction.
What peace can we find
in holding back on our Creator? Letting go of everything is the only way to release ourselves from the bonds of an earthly
existence. How one achieves a heavenly existence here on earth is through giving up what we have to our Heavenly Father for
His good pleasure, wanting nothing in return but what He wants to give.
Not one of us can say that
we are in control of our own destiny without allowing Him the very existence that we cherish. That is the only control that
we have, the "giving" part. What we hold on to, is what holds us to the earthly existence that we loath so much but cannot
seem to release ourselves from.
Giving all to Abba יהוה is the only way out of worry and strife. It is difficult to lead someone when they are going their own
way, and our Heavenly Father יהוה will not interfere with our desire.
His giving of our desires
is our existence. We make the choice and we make the final decision on where we end up. There can be no compromise in whom
we follow, and an eternal life with Our Creator. One is the opposite of the other. If we follow Him we are on the path to
the eternity with Him that we say we treasure. If we are following our own desires, we are earthly and cannot experience the
Heavenly, for only from Him comes the Heavenly.
Earthly desires emanate
from below. Heavenly desires are bestowed from above. Giving all to Abba יהוה will allow all of our desires to originate from Him and only
from Him. He knows what we need before we ask. He wants to give us what we desire. If we allow Him our very existence we also
give to Him the very desires of our heart. He then makes the decision of what we want out of this life. He will put the desires
into our hearts that will make us into the new creature that we search for.
When we become a new creation in
YHVH Yahoshua HaMachiach - המשיח יהושע יהוה
we are allowing Him to create us anew,
therefore we are made only through Him
May 12, 2002