Author Speaks
Candle in the Darkness
So much energy is spent on spiritual discussions that go nowhere. We are faced with these discussions daily,
but are unaware that many of them are really not 'In the Word' scripturally. Quotations are made from verses that are real,
from chapters that are real, but the comments on them most often deviate from the very Scriptures from which they were spoken.
Only when the entire Scriptures are taken into account, precept upon precept; precept upon precept; line upon
line; and line upon line that we can get the most of what our Creator YHVH is saying.
We all agree, "Not one Jot," (smallest letter in Hebrew) or one "Tittle," (smallest expressive curve of any letter or smallest particle of a Hebrew Letter) "will ever fail until all is completed." We agree on that because it is Scripture, but in practice, many generally criticize those who preach that nothing
has changed according to that very Scripture.
The only difference now is, "The Atonement
has been made for us to become the Bride of Messiah." That does not mean we are the Bride, the Atonement has been made to become the
bride. Big Difference! To become The Bride, we must 'Follow,' at least attempt to follow every Word that He speaks from Page
One through the last page or we are not His, our diligence to His Word or lack of speaks volumes.
When Our Creator told us that He
cannot and will not lie, did He mean it, or does He think like man who does what he desires then justifies his actions? Saying
that our Creator does not lie means, He does not work against Himself to anyone's glory. He is not one that we can put words
in His mouth then call it His Spoken Word.
By not allowing Scripture to interpret
itself, we do exactly that. When we have a private interpretation, we do not allow Him to interpret for us His Personal Meaning and we go off following rabbit trails of religious men. By adhering to
only one section of Scripture, we actually throw away the rest of Scripture for whatever vain reasoning we can conjure up, and we please our self in doing so. We become so proud we have this private
interpretation, personal or shared within our own religious group, some seeking high stature among them.
Our Creator walked this earth to
free us from religious men and their vain teachings that contradict His Word, Yet we fall into step with religions of men and follow like lost Sheeple according to
what comes down from the pulpit; Many pulpits; Confusing statements from men who know not what they say, but do according to their own vanity, usually crying about money most of the time: they follow the teachings of men long dead
who started their doctrines of demons for the same financial and power motivations. Some have amassed multi-millions and built
a larger mousetrap than those who came before them. All of this is for religious exaltation. Claiming to have saved thousands
and millions, they have not only caused the opposite effect, but have imbedded the minds of those who aimlessly followed with
error in both translation and intent. Many reading this book are guilty of these aimless wanderings; Aimless in that they follow men instead of their Creator.
You say, you are wrong about me!
Allow me to
ask you a question or two, for elementary purpose. I mean elementary, because Scripture
tells us that Wisdom begins with
His Name; that is the beginning of Wisdom. 1) Do you know the
Creator of the universe by His Name?
If you answered yes but your
answer is anything but יהוה-YHVH,
you have been overcome by religions of men. יהוה is found in the Hebrew Pre-
Messianic Scriptures 6823
times, specifically referenced as His Name.
2) What is the Name of your Messiah? If your
answer is Jesus, I would say that I am sorry that you have been so purposefully deceived also. Since the "J" is less than
500 years old, Jesus cannot be correct. The "J" was invented in 1532 and not placed into the KJV until 1630, it-the J, was
added in place of the Latin Iesus, ee-aa-Zeus. An original copy of the 1611 KJV will reveal that to anyone who is searching
for the Truth. The Jesus came from Iesus (middle S sounds as Z in the Latin and Hei-Zeus in the Greek) giving Je-Zeus, then
softened for zus and spoken sus. If this were a Hebrew word the sus would sound soos; soos in Hebrew means Horse and Ha-soos
= The Horse.
Where did the Iesus originate?
Iesus is a Latin transliteration
from the
Greek Hei Zeus, from the Hebrew YeShu.
Where did the YeShu originate?
The non-believing
translators who follow the pagan ineffable name doctrine placed YeShu every place they found the Name יהושע
Yahshua. In this way they followed the ineffable name, pagan do not
speak the name of your deity doctrine, into the Hebrew
Scriptures. Since it was very close to the Hebrew Yeshua, there was little argument among the Hebrews, in fact most hardly
noticed. What does YeShu mean, or how does it translate into English?
YeShu is a Rabbinic Acronym of three Hebrew
Yimach> Shemo> Vezichro> > ימח > משו> וזכרו>
"May His Name and Memory be blotted out!"
So, how does His Name get blotted
You have just seen how. Yahshua,
became YeShu,
YeShu became Hei-Zeus in the Greek,
Hei-Zeus became Iesus,
Iesus became Jesus, and given the origin of the
they would all have the same meaning,
"May His Name and Memory be blotted
is the origin of the invention Jesus.
The Hebrew Yeshua vs.
the Greek Jesus
by Nehemia Gordon
How does His memory become blotted out?
Christmas, Easter, Egg laying rabbits, Friday night to Sunday morning bodily
resurrection, second person of a pagan trinity, Sunday worship instead of the Sabbath, replacement theology, anti-Semitism,
instead of ONE a committee, just to name a few. So, those who come against Christianity have an easy time persuading them
to submit to other wayward religious teachings, because there is so little real truth in
Christianity, and they have little Scripture foundation-HaYesod to do battle with, and they are eaten up by other non-believers
willing to desecrate their very lives to destroy Israel. In
effect, they are following the same voice; Destroy Israel! Christianity is attempting destruction of Israel with Replacement Theology, the worshippers of death are willing to do it with blood. There is no spiritual battle
here since both are following the same voice. Each one working on it differently but both are striving toward the destruction
of Israel. Which Father are we sons of? Which voice would
you suggest would work toward replacement of The Apple of HIS Eye? Conversely, which voice would you expect to nurture Israel for as long as the laws of the sun and the moon remain according to the promise in Scripture?
Yirmeyahu 31: 35-36, Thus said יהוה,
who gives the sun
for a light by day, and the laws of the moon and the stars for a light by night, who stirs up the sea and its waves roar -
יהוה of hosts is His Name:
“If these laws vanish from before Me,” declares יהוה. “then the seed of Israel
shall cease from being a nation before Me forever.” Yirmeyahu 31:35-36. Thus says יהוה,‘If you could break My covenant
with the day and My covenant with the night, so that there be no day and night in their season, then My covenant would also
be broken with David My servant.,, As the host of the heavens is not counted, nor the sand of the sea measured, so I increase
the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who attend upon Me.’ Yirmeyahu 33:20-22. V-25, Thus says יהוה, ‘If
My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the laws of the heavens and earth, then I would also reject
the descendants of Ya’akov and David My servant, so that I should not take his descendants to be the rulers over the
descendants of Avraham, Yitshaq, and Ya’akov. For I shall turn back their captivity, and have compassion on them.’
So the religious battle going on
here is not between two adversaries
but among those with the same goal, Destroy Israel.
I could let you fight
this out among yourselves or continue in slumber with religious intrusion working to take you out of the frying pan and into
the fire, but through much prayer, am directed to write to you on this issue, and if anyone can Sh’ma-hear, let him hear "The Faith that was once delivered to Abba's People Israel." The Scriptures are true.
The translations vary with doctrines of the religious groups that translate them, but we are instructed to study to show ourselves
approved, and are promised within the Scriptures that our Creator made guarantees that He will guide us into all truth if
we search for Truth will all of our heart. So even through translated Scripture we can find the Truth, if we according to
the Scriptures ‘Love the Truth,’ The Prerequisite!
It is only with the Truth directly from Scripture that the
adversary has been defeated. Beating the same air gets
nothing done but frustration, anxiety,
despair then defeat. I will be writing many pages that focus on the Hebrew Roots of Scripture.
Oct-Nov 2007