Life From Its Origin
When we consider life from it's origin, there must be a synopsis following,
rather than just volumes of written materiel that goes in circles and takes a philosophy student to disseminate. There
has to be a concise report on the research with conclusions that support both the research and Scriptural analysis based upon
all Scripture and not just hand picked versions of translation. We approach these studies from both a political conclusion
of various prior studies today, expecting to be comprehensively reporting the findings, ending up with mans conclusive error
from studies of men who studied from men what they studied from mans inhumanity to man. Conclusion - Inconclusive.
Man has a history of being wrong when studies on Scriptural references are concerned because of his religious beliefs and
also his personal agenda
I began this study by allowing nothing man has previously accomplished
from 'life origin' studies, whether secular or religious. There needs to be fresh research done by direct authorization
from above, and a new outlook on Scriptural intensity based upon our Master and Creator Abba
YHVH leading the research, for He said 'You will find Me if
you search for Me with all of your heart.' 'Knock and the Door will be opened.' For this to be effective,
and by that I mean all research directly coming from our Creator, we must concentrate on an Interpersonal Relationship with
YHVH Interpersonally. The source of Creation is with Him. The origin of mankind begins
with Him. The end of all flesh ends with Him also. We must look toward Heavenly insight for the answers we seek, or
we will have just another conflicting report on life's origins. If this is what you as a person are seeking, you
will enjoy the remainder of this work. Should you be seeking your own personal agenda, this work will shatter your cognizant
method of error and leave you bewildered and searching for consolation with the enemy.
Now for the main focus!
Has anyone ever asked themselves what is the intended meaning of,
'Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.... And Elohim Created
man in His Image, in the Image of Elohim He Created him -- male and female He Created them.'
There is more speculation
on this passage than any in the entire Scriptures, at least for those who follow and search out Scripture for what is the
True meaning from above. Now the answers are beginning to become clear, as YHVH brings in
the Later Rain upon mankind. Not since Bereshit has YHVH Elohim
revealed what will be within these writings, for the time has come to do battle against the rulers of darkness and their speculation
of religious men's doctrines and wholesale desecration of Scripture within both the Jew and Gentile populous. I cannot
stress enough the importance of these precepts for all who will follow in accepting The Word as Written, rather than those
of religious men and their dogma that diverts from us the True Meaning of Scripture directly from the Breath of YHVH
Elohim. I am not alone in this endeavor. Many that are searching the original Scriptures in their original languages
have been instrumental in bringing forth the Written Word into His Marvelous Light. Not before
the beginning has so much Light been given to mankind than what will be given within the next few years, for the forces of
darkness are now waging an all out battle like never before to destroy Truth from It's Foundation. This war is between YHVH Elohim and the ruler of darkness - father of lies, and will not end until he is locked up in the
Pit - accomplished!, (and those following to the beginning stage of the Lake Of Fire), for his one thousand years to think
about his war against his Creator, and think of the consequences of further action when he is loosed from his bonds for his
final test; 'is there any hope for the father of lies?' We all know the outcome. HisStory has been written for
all to see. Although darkness cannot see The Light before them, any judge would give a last chance before this final
conviction and penalty. Like all attempts in the past, darkness will not, for his own selfish reasons, adhere to The
Light, for it is impossible for Light and darkness to occupy the same place at the same time, and the arch enemy of The Word
will refuse to even try, for even an attempt would diminish him among his followers and that could not happen in his
pride filled realm of darkness. Pride and selfishness takes on a life of their own, and any who fall for the masquerade
will not be able to recover from its clutches. We know that men have made strides against being swallowed up in pride
and selfishness, and some have recovered, but only because they have given all to their Creator and not bits and pieces from
carefully chosen segments of their makeup. Sorry to say, most adherents of Pride and Selfishness have and will never
make it out. The father of lies is also the father of Pride and Selfishness and they know no other way but what they
are made of.
Now we will see from more than Scripture, the outcome of all who follow
in darkness. We will see with our own physical eyes the results of following after falsehood and futility. We
become what we give ourselves unto. We become where our heart dwells, and there will be little hope for anyone who attempts
to recover, for the walls of darkness are both very high and very thick. Attempts will only swallow them even deeper,
for the enemy in his selfishness will come against them with an all out assault, and who can fight against the enemy alone.
There would not be enough determination to ask assistance of YHVH from
the mind that has been abducted and brainwashed into the works of darkness to that extent. There dwells within all who
offer themselves to the devil a spirit that is unknown to Light and cannot see a glimmer of Light, so the end for that man
has been set for his hostile takeover by the enemy. There are stories of those who have come out from that level of
darkness, but continue to look at them and where they end up. You will understand the meanings of this from observance. Touch not; Taste not; Handle not;
Which all are to perish with man's using; after the commandments and teachings of men. Whose rules have a show of wisdom
in positive attitude, human will worship, or self-humiliation of the body type worship, and neglecting of the body type
worship; but these have no eternal value except for the satisfying and parading of the flesh. Friends,
there is not enough time to search the Scriptures the way we were to search them in past times.
Today we must give everything to YHVH Elohim in total Faith, knowing that HE will pick us up, dust
us off and renew us from our past humiliation among the brethren. He promised That in Scripture which most of us have
at least known, and there is not one promise made by HIM that can be annulled. Settle it today and make a decision.